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How to automatically assign deals & tickets in Saletend

2 min read
How to automatically assign deals & tickets in Saletend

Hope you're enjoying your journey with Saletend! Today, we're going to make your workflow even smoother by showing you how to assign deals and tickets to your team automatically.

How to Get Started

  1. Connect Your Inboxes: If you haven't already, make sure your inboxes are connected to Saletend.
  2. Navigate: Go to Profile > Team Inbox and click on the inbox you want to automate.
  3. Set Automation Rules: Use the Assign Rule to manage incoming conversations.

Assign Rule Options

Every linked inbox can be set with one of the following rules:

  • Do not automatically assign new conversations.
  • Automatically assign conversations based on who is available.
  • Automatically assign with round robin to rotate assignments throughout the team.

When to Use Assign Rules

  • For a high volume of messages like a customer service inbox, assign based on availability to minimize customer wait times.
  • For a sales inbox, assign with a round robin rotation to feed deals to your sales team evenly.

When You Shouldn’t Use Assign Rules

Sales managers may want to assign deals manually, matching the right prospect with the right sales agent or routing deals for different product lines to different teams. Generally speaking, though, most sales teams would benefit from using Assign Rules for their shared inboxes.

By setting up these assignment rules, you ensure that your team can handle customer inquiries and deals efficiently, improving response times and balancing workloads.

Try out these settings and see how they can optimize your team's performance!

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Deal Illustration