11 Key Insights Every Outbound SDR Should Know
Here are 11 tips/reminders SDR's should keep in mind as they start their day.
1. First Impressions Are Made in Just 7 Seconds (and Take a Long Time to Change)
Research shows that prospects get an impression of you within the first seven seconds. This means that your initial outreach...whether it's an email, a call, or a LinkedIn message—needs to make a strong impact right away (or at least not a negative one). According to a study by Princeton University, these first impressions are difficult to change, so don't mess it up!
2. Personalized emails have a 29% higher open rate
Personalization isn't something we do to be cute.
It's an actual strategy backed by data. According to Experian, personalized emails have a 29% higher open rate and a 41% higher click-through rate than generic ones. Additionally, a study by the Aberdeen Group found that personalized email campaigns can boost response rates by over 50%. Tailoring your message to the individual shows that you’ve done your homework and can make a real difference in getting a response.
It should be noted that while most people might read this and then just add a persons name on a postcard. But imagine what could happen, if you take some extra time and read up on your prospect beforehand. Then mention those details as you're warming them up (in a non-creepy way).
3. Timing Matters: Reach Out Between 8-10 AM and 4-6 PM
When you reach out can be just as important as what you say. Data from the Lead Response Management Study shows that the best times to contact prospects are early in the morning and late in the afternoon. If we think about it it seems sort of obvious. Around lunch time and everyone's either thinking about lunch or full of it. But if it's when they've just gotten in, they're at least full of coffee and ready to go. In the afternoon, they are at their computer ready to go as well (home).
If you have the time, it might pay to research your prospects industry to find out if they have any irregular scheduling. This can have you calling at the right time, while other SDR's aren't getting through.
4. Persistence Pays Off: It Often Takes 5-8 Touchpoints to Get a Lead
Generating a qualified lead often requires more than just one or two touchpoints. According to research by RAIN Group, it typically takes between five and eight interactions to move a prospect to the next stage. Despite this, some reports say that nearly half of all salespeople give up after just one follow-up.
You're different though.
Because you're reading The Saletend Blog ;) But as we can see, sticking with it and following up more than everyone else, just makes sense.
5. Voicemail Can Still Be Effective
Haters will say leaving voicemails is a waste of time. A study by InsideSales.com says otherwise. The study found that leaving a voicemail can boost your callback rates by 22%. (Almost as high as inflation)
Keep things Clear. Concise. To the point.
And preferably interesting.
6. Social Media Can Amplify Your Outreach by 67%
LinkedIn’s State of Sales report shows that SDRs who use social media in their outreach efforts are 67% more effective than those who don’t. Having a presence in places that your prospects spend time, like LinkedIn, can help you build relationships and establish credibility before you even shoot them that DM.
7. Video in Emails Can Boost Your Response Rates by 26%
Remember that last video email you got in your inbox? No? That's because no one else is doing it.
Vidyard found that including a video in your outreach email can increase your response rates by 26%.
A quick, personalized video can capture a prospect’s attention and stand out in a way that text can’t.
8. Referrals = EZ Money
Nielsen reports that people are 4x more likely to buy when referred by someone they trust.
Try asking happy clients or even prospects who didn’t convert for referrals. You might be surprised by how it goes.
9. Tuesday is for Cold Emails
Research by Yesware shows that emails sent on Tuesday get the highest open and reply rates.
This indicates that prospects are more likely to engage early in the week. Try and milk that opportunity for all you can.
10. Automation Tools Save Time and Boost Productivity by 20%
McKinsey research indicates that using automation can increase productivity by 20% or more. Can you automate repetitive tasks like follow-up emails or CRM updates? That way you can spend more time on high-leverage activities like personalizing outreach or prospect research.
11. Knowing Your Buyer Personas Can Increase Conversions by 25%
Really knowing WHO your ideal customer is and what they care about is a gamechanger. A study by Cintell found that companies that use more detailed buyer personas see a 25% increase in conversions.
Buyers love it when the company they're working with actually understand their problems. If you go at them like they're just a dollar sign, they will get turned off. Take the extra time, it'll be worth it.
- First Impressions Are Formed in 7 Seconds: Willis, J., & Todorov, A. (2006). First impressions: Making up your mind after a 100-ms exposure to a face. Psychological Science, 17(7), 592-598.
- Personalization Increases Response Rates by Over 50%: Experian Marketing Services (2018). 2018 Email Marketing Industry Report; Aberdeen Group (2016). Why Personalization is Key to Effective Email Marketing.
- The Best Time to Reach Out: Lead Response Management Study (2020). Best Practices for Lead Response Management.
- Persistence Pays Off: RAIN Group. (2021). Inside Sales Benchmark Report; HubSpot (2022). Sales Statistics.
- Voicemail Can Still Be Effective: InsideSales.com (2018). Sales Acceleration Report.
- Social Media Amplifies Outreach: LinkedIn (2023). State of Sales Report.
- Video in Emails Boosts Response Rates: Vidyard (2021). The Video in Business Benchmark Report.
- Referrals Are Four Times More Likely to Convert: Nielsen (2020). Global Trust in Advertising.
- Tuesday Is the Best Day for Outreach: Yesware (2020). Best Practices for Sales Outreach.
- Automation Tools Save Time: McKinsey & Company (2018). The Productivity Puzzle.
- Buyer Personas Increase Conversions: Cintell (2016). Understanding Buyer Personas.
These references provide the data and facts that support the points made in this article, giving outbound SDRs a solid foundation to build their strategies upon.